Hans Mies, Luca Reho and Danny Snijders fraud
Timeline Medzys AS - Egalify-Ventures
09-2021 Introduced to Egalify (now egalify-ventures) by Petter
Skulstad (founder of Dealflow) We did DD -and:
DES 22: The money were not transferred to us, Mr Skulstad got Hans Mies to send EUR250k late January
29 june 22: Petter Skulstad has left Egalify, and they are calling
themselves Egalify-Ventures
Year 22 We develop Medzock gen 2 with sensors and ordered at factory
Not much contact, except Hans Mies sending notes about deals he is making. Luca Reho and Nayan partner up.
Nov/Des 22 New model: Hans Mies establishes Egalify-Medzys AG and
Medzys AG in Switzerland. Easier to capitalize swiss company
with 2 owners
DES 22 Egalify Ventures have a investor meeting in Klosters reg Medzys
DES 22 John Hornes moves to Zurich (b1), signs employment contract
IP from Medzys AS are leased out
Hans told med he had sold 5% of my shares for CHF1.1
JAN 23 Luca Reho and Nayan gets fired from Egalify
10 FEB 23: Egalify has entered into a partnership with Holland
Communication Group (HCG) in the Netherlands
This is the last mail to me from Hans Mies, except fake meetings,
this is the content: “
I mentioned that Egalify has entered into a partnership with Holland Communication Group (HCG) in the Netherlands. This is also an impact investor with a nice portfolio of holdings and is run on a daily basis by very entrepreneurial investors. All have had several successful exits and or still own successful companies. The base of HCG consists of companies that work closely together in the areas, marketing, media, data, development and content creation, with the "sexy" part being film production. It produces series for Netflix, Amazon and European films. They use this experience to invest in impactful businesses such as health, nutrition, exercise, as well as waste, sustainability and the planet (CO2, etc).
These expertises are accessible to all participations within the various funds, thus HCG offers more than just a financial injection, but also actively helps with growth and thus also growth in value creation.
The above expertise, teams and resources are also available to Egalify.”
DES 22- APRIL 23: This is the promised sales of shares and funding in written, the promises verbally has been around CHF 6mill.
No Fulfilment of:
John Hornes as CEO of Medzys AG, has no function in the company
AKA the Medzys company has been taken over by Hans Mies-Unlawfully
Funding on Medzys and sales of shares amount promised: CHF 3,2mill
We have not paid the next gen of Medzock-destructed
The foundry form is at risk now
The stakeholders from Norway have lost their assets
No obligations has been fulfilled.
Raymond Schneider HCG (aka egalify?)
Medzock Gen 2 Not paid
Foundry form Uncertain
Stakeholders Norway Lost investment