Restless Legs  - More Oxygen and less CO2 in blood flow

Restless Legs - More Oxygen and less CO2 in blood flow

Peripheral hypoxia is associated with the appearance of RLS symptoms. A strong correlation with RLS severity suggests a close link between peripheral hypoxia and Restless Legs.

In short Peripheral Hypoxia is a condition in which a region of the body is deprived of adequate oxygen supply at the tissue level. A very normal state for people at a certain age.

This theory is one of two targets for developing Medzock. The inventor John has always suspected that his restless legs had to be at least partly, a circulation issue. And a lot of others, including scientists, have the same opinion. So, if restless legs cannot be cured, let's try to get the symptoms away healthily and sustainably, just to achieve normal sleep. The second target was to create an unpredictable interference in Medzock. When we got it right, then our tests showed us that the body naturally decreased the sensations as a way to protect itself. This was the Eureka moment for us, and we managed to develop technology that gives this reaction.

A normal, slow, predictable massage will not be adequate as the body will simply adjust and counteract it. Medzock prevents the body from adjusting to the vibrations through four mechanics: speed; to oversteer the adjustment, unpredictability; to do the same and get a stronger effect, 3 pads on each leg, to stimulate blood circulation, and vibration-free joints between the pads for resonance and strength. 

Medzock is in summary a positive manipulator, designed to remove sensations, and stimulate healthy blood flow.