Warning EUR 12 Mill scam: Hans (Johannes Petrus) Mies has now been arrested and all assets frozen. Danny Snijders have been charged, Luca Reho are selling new frauds for Rootbridge Capital. Read about the "Bellwethers" here: Oddo BHF, IPTIQ, AXA and Portas Capital
Medzys AS is under attack from Egalify-Ventures and a Swiss look-alike Medzys Group Holding AG
Read moreIf You have invested. IP rights belongs to us
Then You have lost Your money. You have probably paid to Egalify-Ventures GmbH, Venersum, Egalify-Medzys or some other false entities. These money did never get to Medzys AS or Swiss Medzys AG.Luca Reho went away from Hans Mies with substancial cash from Medzys investors.

Will You join us in saving Medzock? Do do You have information that can help us? We will expose everything through all channels and news within the next days. And we look forward to it.
Names, story and companies soon to be revealed in the news