What Helps For Restless Legs?

What Helps For Restless Legs?

One of the worst things about restless legs syndrome – other than the uncomfortable sensations it causes – is that there is no known cure. That means 10% of people who have the condition need to find ways to manage their symptoms so they can sleep soundly at night and function normally during the day.

There are many ways to manage the condition using medication, but some people want to know what helps restless legs. They want to know what they can do to better manage the condition at home without the need for medication. There isn’t a single universal answer to that question. Read on for our advice on what helps restless legs and see what works for you.


The natural way to override itching, sensations and the urge to move. It generates so much circulations that the feet and legs will feel renewed. Medzock is the most comfortable way to release the legs from sensations and urge to move.

Iron Supplement

Several things contribute to restless legs, with a lack of iron being a major risk factor. Consider taking iron supplements if you suspect you are low on iron.


We all have some kind of food sensitivity and may not even be aware of it. Some people have had success with managing their RLS by reducing gluten and MSG intake. It won’t cure the condition but it will prevent the autoimmune response that causes the symptoms. Once again, be sure to discuss any food sensitivities you might have with your doctor to get them treated. They could be making your RLS worse than it needs to be.


Restless legs syndrome is among the many things that regular exercise can help with. Working out can release dopamine and endorphins to null pain and make you feel better. Stretching your lower muscles is a great way to exercise with ALS. Yoga is also effective for RLS. Try to get your workout in early so that your body has enough time to cool down and rest before you try to sleep. Don’t overdo it either. Stick to low impact aerobics and resistance exercises. Working too hard puts a lot of stress on muscles which could make RLS worse.

Distract Yourself

Anxiety is a common symptom of having restless legs. People are anxious about their condition and worry that it could flare up at the worst times, especially when they are trying to sleep or want a social function to go well. It can help to distract yourself and not focus on the negative. Find a creative and positive way to stimulate your brain instead such as reading, playing card games, solving puzzles, and having a good conversation with someone.

Brain Training

Training yourself in stress reduction techniques can help you to manage the symptoms of RLS. People who use these mindfulness-based techniques take a proactive approach to their anxiety instead of letting it take them over. Instead of worrying that the symptoms will appear, accept that and tell yourself that you are going to deal with them. Preparing yourself for the symptoms like this helps you to deal with them and manage them.

Massage Therapy

We humans instinctively rub ourselves where something hurts. This can actually help with restless legs. A good massage has been shown to help alleviate the tingling sensation and ease other symptoms. Even a little light massage can have a big impact. Compression socks can also help to manage RLS symptoms and get some rest at night.

Have a Little Love

We already covered how being active can help with RLS, but being sexually active in particular works surprisingly well. Sexual activity releases dopamine and epinephrine. It will also just distract you away from what’s happening with your legs and give you something else to focus on.

Switch Positions

Some people swear by the idea of changing how your bed is arranged and made. If you have the covers tucked too tightly it can cause you to have to point your toes, which may cramp up calf muscles and cause RLS symptoms to worsen. Keep things loose and keep your legs and feet in a natural position. Keeping your feet propped up in bed may also help to deal with RLS.

Drink Something

There’s plenty of suggestions out there for drinks that help with RLS. Poppy seed tea is a popular choice. Tonic water is another good choice because it has quinine, which has been used traditionally to deal with muscle cramps. The FDA banned the sale of quinine because it was shown to very rarely cause serious side effects, but it is considered safe in the trace amounts found in tonic water. Drinking tonic water hasn’t been scientifically proven to help with RLS but many people still try it and swear that it does work for them. At the very least it’s worth trying for yourself to see if you get any relief.

Avoid Stimulants

Stimulants of any kind should be avoided if you have restless legs syndrome. That means cutting out the alcohol, caffeine, and nicotine. RLS sufferers who cut out drinking and smoking have been shown to have less symptoms than those who do. It’s okay to have alcohol before 6PM but caffeine should be dropped altogether. It stays in the system too long and causes jitters and other side effects that exacerbate RLS.

Hot and Cold Treatments

Different people have had different levels of success with hot and cold treatments, including hot or cold baths, foot baths, jet baths, hot and cold compresses, essential oils, and Epsom salt in baths. A nice warm bath can help to relax you and take your mind of things, which has been shown to help. It could also be a placebo effect. If you believe that your warm bath will take away your symptoms then it will. Either way, try having a nice warm relaxing bath and see what it does for you.

Natural Restless Legs Relief

While there is no single known cure for restless legs syndrome, there are still plenty of things that you can do to better manage and relieve the symptoms at home. Start out by making a few small lifestyle changes. Cut out stimulants life caffeine, adopt a regular exercise plan, supplement any nutrient deficiencies, and get regular massages.

Nobody knows your Restless Legs as you do. Try out some different things and see what helps you. Do it systematically, write up the changes and follow the things that actually improves for You. What works for you might not work for someone else, and what works for them might not work for you.

Medzock is the most effective natural way to improve. It gives circulation all the way down in your foot, it counterstimulates, and will get you back from itching and an urge to move. Perfect before You are going to sleep.